I Am Buraot
A blog about politics, the environment, religion, philanthropy, and everything else that is life. Author is known for his generosity in sponsoring contests. The home of the famous EntreDropper.
Anak Ni Kulapo
Yet another blog of Buraot. If you want to die laughing, then go visit Anak Ni Kulapo. His life in the US and hilarious stuff about his home country are only two of the must-sees in this blog.
Seiko's Diary
The blog title says it all. This is Seiko's journal about being a mom to her five gorgeous kiddos, her take on life in general, and random musings of a woman who loves life.
His Unfailing Love
A mommy blog which focuses on the blessings that the author receives, actively joining memes and of course, the author's family.
My Memories and Crystals
A mom's personal blog about family, memes, tags and awards, as well as other topics close to the author's heart. And an art blog, as well, showcasing the author's deftness in crystal designs.
Bacolod and Beyond Journey
A blog about the author's scenic hometown. Pictures of the city Bacolod and the rest of the Philippines as seen through the author's lens.
Novice On Blogging (Noob)
New to blogging? This blog is a great resource for newbies (and the not-so clueless), whether it be designing your own blog or tips about blog content.
At Home Here
Blog of a Pinay homemaker. From decorating and repairs, to making your house feel like home, here is where you will find everything house-related.
Sexy Blogging
A health blog for sexy women and those wanting to have a sexy, healthy body. Health tips and the latest health information are only some of the useful stuff that you can read from the author.
My Camera Sexy
The author's photoblog showcasing gorgeous pictures of a wannabe professional photographer about nature, her kids, her home, and anything else that she thinks is worthy of her SD card space.
Dishes By Pehpot
A recipe blog from a veteran cook in the kitchen, a mom of four. Tried and tested recipes that is sure to draw an unusual amount of saliva from the readers.
Wonder Wifey
A personal blog which journals the random thoughts of a Filipina wife working and living in the US.
Coffee, Anyone?
Thoughts of a Pinay about work (not) and home (not). She asserts this journal is where she gathers her thoughts about that comforting space in between.
Clarisse After Dark
Where the author spends some of her time after work, just blogging about her thoughts about anything under the sun for posterity's sake.
Jena Isle's Random Thoughts
The personal blog of an excellent creative writer. This is where she blogs about love, education, health, writing and life.
Where The Moon Shines
Vera's personal space on the Internet where she writes about her life and passions, her blog serving as an outlet to the stories that she is bursting to share.
Crossroads.. Where Ideas Meet
A personal blog that shares about everything under the sun. Where all ideas meet, from places, people and events to movies, entertainment, life, etc.
Feel free to harass us through YM, email or our blogs if you know you should be on this list yet you cannot find your blog/s here (or on the older batches of sponsors). Pehpot's quite organized, but I am most definitely not, so it is 100% my fault if something's amiss. Okay? Good. Hee hee. Click the banner below if you want to pledge for sponsorship. It's still ongoing so there's still time to pledge :)

Before this loooong post ends, here's the list of those who pledged the last two weeks. Which will make this extra loooooooooong. Hee hee.
Brisbane Australia : The Latest Buzz : 113Tidbits - Social Feeds And Daring Commentary : Thoughts And Obsessions : Just About Anything : Blog Appetite
Azumi : Fab Momma : Mara's Personal Bubble : Mara's Appetite : The Pinay Blogger @ Home : Diva Fabulosa : Best vacation Places : Momma Wannabee : Advising Writers :United World Poets : A Mom's Life and Loves : Travelin' With Marie : Memories Preserved Online : Stalking Mind : Living Life To The Fullest : Online Mommy's Corner : Her And History : Careless Whisper : In My Psyche : My Quality Day : Just Throw Money : My Journey To Life : Cotton Candy Buzz : The Mommy Journey : Super Gulaman : Pen, Paper and Pan : Niko's Blog : Lover's Mushroom : Yena's World : Girls Rule! : Online Trends Now : Husband of A Blogger : Glitter Page : Here Comes The Bride : Heart Random
Azumi : Fab Momma : Mara's Personal Bubble : Mara's Appetite : The Pinay Blogger @ Home : Diva Fabulosa : Best vacation Places : Momma Wannabee : Advising Writers :United World Poets : A Mom's Life and Loves : Travelin' With Marie : Memories Preserved Online : Stalking Mind : Living Life To The Fullest : Online Mommy's Corner : Her And History : Careless Whisper : In My Psyche : My Quality Day : Just Throw Money : My Journey To Life : Cotton Candy Buzz : The Mommy Journey : Super Gulaman : Pen, Paper and Pan : Niko's Blog : Lover's Mushroom : Yena's World : Girls Rule! : Online Trends Now : Husband of A Blogger : Glitter Page : Here Comes The Bride : Heart Random

di ba ako nag pledge? huhu
What a great list Kaye, glad to see you are doing well!
thanks for marce pehpot for inviting me to be a sponsor in your contest. :D
this contest is awesome.it's not just about the money but the experience and hard work.
yeah they are also the important sponsors
pansin ko lang, itong mga sponsors na to eh forever na sponsors. kahit sang blog contests, sila nakikita ko, hihihi
di ko pa pla kau nababati.. happy blogversary!!! mwahness
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