Silent Much?
I'm sorry to those who have missed talking to me on my messenger in a while. I guess you know by now that when I turn silent, I am working on a template, and this is the case now. I am designing a new template for WAHMaholic and a subdomain I created to house my blog design portfolio. I am also waiting on a client to confirm if we are to go ahead with a blog design project while looking for more parts for my computer. I saw a 500gb hard drive a while back which was really cheap but I'm really targeting for the 1TB hard drive I saw. Haven't purchased it yet because a couple of bills needed paying. I hope I can have it by the end of April. But I don't know. It depends on the projects that will come in. Miss you guys!

And We're Done
Our Sanity Blog aka Contest Blog is now closed. No one came forward to complain so now we will start giving away the prizes.
Comment your paypal id here. I know composing an email takes a lot of time (you need to sign in to yuor mail account and before you start creating one, your attention was caught by the new mail in your inbox. Oh, it's an update from your favorite blog and so you head on reading about that blog completely forgetting why on earth you opened your mail acc).. so to spare myself from head ache and you from another dementia attack, just comment here your paypal id. No worries as the comment with your paypal id will not be published.
Here are the complete list of the winners of our contest:
5 top winners:
Niko: $200
Sherry: $100
Gene: $50
Red: $30
Kikamz: $20
5 lucky winners of $20 each: Jules, Ruthy, Beng, Sarah, Hyanne
Best Post about the contest: Mylene
Best Review for Make or Break: Kikamz
Best Review for Random WAHM Thoughts: Mys
3 Random Winners for Posting About Contest, $5 each: Gene, Ruthy, John Lottery
Congratulations all!
Oh, I am done choosing the best reviewer for my blogs. I will post about it later.. need to sleep now.

Comment your paypal id here. I know composing an email takes a lot of time (you need to sign in to yuor mail account and before you start creating one, your attention was caught by the new mail in your inbox. Oh, it's an update from your favorite blog and so you head on reading about that blog completely forgetting why on earth you opened your mail acc).. so to spare myself from head ache and you from another dementia attack, just comment here your paypal id. No worries as the comment with your paypal id will not be published.
Here are the complete list of the winners of our contest:
5 top winners:
Niko: $200
Sherry: $100
Gene: $50
Red: $30
Kikamz: $20
5 lucky winners of $20 each: Jules, Ruthy, Beng, Sarah, Hyanne
Best Post about the contest: Mylene
Best Review for Make or Break: Kikamz
Best Review for Random WAHM Thoughts: Mys
3 Random Winners for Posting About Contest, $5 each: Gene, Ruthy, John Lottery
Congratulations all!
Oh, I am done choosing the best reviewer for my blogs. I will post about it later.. need to sleep now.

Pehpot not
After a long wait (and a slight delay), and after so many tears shed, so many sleepless nights and after so many words written, here are the FIVE HIGHEST POINTERS of our blogversary contest who grabbed out top prizes:
Congrats you guys! I mean, girls. Tee hee. You were the five who remained strong until the end, so you came out as winners. We hope you enjoy your cash prizes! As aside, our "secret" contest blog is now public! Please go HERE to go to the blog. You can double check your scores in there and ask us questions regarding your points and file for motion for reconsideration. LOL. But you have to have a reasonable request for changing of scores (i.e., if the score you believe should be yours brings you to the top five or ups you by one spot in the lead, and NOT "hey, my count was wrong by ONE POINT". I'd hit you with a pan in the head if you came forward with that) Blog will remain public until Monday, 8:00 a.m., so we will be accepting reasonable (I repeat, reasonable) contesting of points until then. We have made every effort humanly possible to ensure the scores above are correctly tallied (by triple checking everything), but we are human, and we trust you to see our mistakes (if there are any) and point it to us kindly.
I think that's about it. After contest thoughts will be posted by Pehpot and I tomorrow, and yes, the comment section are always open. Thanks for joining everyone!
1st Prize $200
2nd Prize: $100
3rd Prize: $50
4th Prize: $30
5th Prize: $20
2nd Prize: $100
3rd Prize: $50
4th Prize: $30
5th Prize: $20
Congrats you guys! I mean, girls. Tee hee. You were the five who remained strong until the end, so you came out as winners. We hope you enjoy your cash prizes! As aside, our "secret" contest blog is now public! Please go HERE to go to the blog. You can double check your scores in there and ask us questions regarding your points and file for motion for reconsideration. LOL. But you have to have a reasonable request for changing of scores (i.e., if the score you believe should be yours brings you to the top five or ups you by one spot in the lead, and NOT "hey, my count was wrong by ONE POINT". I'd hit you with a pan in the head if you came forward with that) Blog will remain public until Monday, 8:00 a.m., so we will be accepting reasonable (I repeat, reasonable) contesting of points until then. We have made every effort humanly possible to ensure the scores above are correctly tallied (by triple checking everything), but we are human, and we trust you to see our mistakes (if there are any) and point it to us kindly.
I think that's about it. After contest thoughts will be posted by Pehpot and I tomorrow, and yes, the comment section are always open. Thanks for joining everyone!

Lucky Winners Of $20 EACH!
Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay of grand winners announcement last night. We didn't realize it was crazy preparing the secret blog for public viewing so we put it off until the last few days. Our bad, and we're really sorry. We hope you understand! And if you don't, well we beg you to understand us. LOL. Anyways, here again are five not-so mysterious numbers, which, based on the last time I generated and posted numbers like this, you know what follows, right? Head on to Pehpot's blog to see which number corresponds to what winners' names! It might be you who won one of the $20 we'll be giving away today! Here are the numbers:

But where are the GRAND WINNERS, you ask? Of course we'll announce it. But later, about three p.m PHT. I know some of you are just about to collapse with anticipation, but Pehpot attended her son's graduation practice today and will be back at 2:00 p.m., and I didn't want to do the announcement without her, so I hope you can wait for another four hours! JUST four more hours, okay? THEN it's time for the BIG reveal!

And The Winners Are..
Definitely not me and Pehpot as we were not able to finish counting the scores, preparing the secret blog and re-checking everything. Let's blame it on the earthquake.. and some to our procrastinations (we waited until yesterday before we finished counting everything). Really, we are sorry.. We tried to finish it until this hour but we can't. Our partners in life will kill us if we stay another hour on the net.
Please give us more time.. promise we'll have it before noon tomorrow.
Please give us more time.. promise we'll have it before noon tomorrow.

GT: Don't Look Now!
I know you'll still look, so the title is kind of futile, eh? Okay, so first off, I gotta tell you this: I woke up this morning with a start and turned on my computer first thing because I remembered it was Girls Talk today and I don't have an entry ready yet. So the I immediately went to was marce Niko's blog, to check out what picture she posted and to get an idea how far I should go. Shock is a very soft word to call what I felt when I saw her picture. Traumatized, more like it. Bwahahahahahahahahhahahahahahaha! Yeah, THAT long a hysterical laugh. I shall be haunted for all my remaining days by the picture you posted marce Niks. Hahaha! My gosh, hindi ako makaget-over. Bwahahaha! Half a day later and here I am, still laughing. Baliw ka talaga Niko! But I salute you for your courage, you really are deserving to be the host of this meme. As in. Bow na bow.
And because of you, I had a hard time finding a picture that would compete with what you posted. My bad. I shouldn't have looked. Now these old pictures of me that I found doesn't seem so horrible anymore. Ang harsh ko ba? Bwahahahahahahahahaha! Heh. Sumasakit na tyan ko. Here ARE my entries na nga (naks dami no!), which I dug up on our baul (old chest):
First picture is my Daycare Center ID. Niahaha. Look at the hair and the expression, my goodness. Like I was just dragged right out of bed and into the front of the camera to have my ID picture taken. Sheesh. Second picture is during my high school days, with one of my best friends, Jeella (I'm the taller girl on the left). Do you need to ask why this is an embarrassing picture for me to show? I look like a boy in there! Well, I really was more boyish when I was in high school, and this picture captures it. Love the picture because it's with my best friend who lives far away now, but hate to show it to everbody. LOL.
And in case you're curious, yes, this post is backdated. Niahaha. I enjoyed this month, really. I so, so enjoyed this March's topics. Thank you Marce. Hey girls, dare reveal your most embarrassing pictures ever? Head on to Marce Niko's Girl Talk page and share with us your photos! We promise not to laugh (so much. Wahahaha!)

Post It Note Tuesday #2

It's a greaaat (albeit crazy) Tuesday, which means it's time for PINT again! Second time to join and enjoying (immensely) so far. Hope we don't run out of sticky notes to put our weird, mysterious, wacky, witty or just-about-anything thoughts in! Click the post it note above to get directions on how to create your own, and be sure to link up and play along with Supah Mommy and the lovely gang! Pent-up anger all week, you will soon discover.

Sleepless In Seattle
I saw the movie when it first came out, and fell in love with Tom Hanks. Cute, but not overly so. I decided to watch it again with Paulie a couple of weeks ago, and my belief that it is a beautiful, funny movie based on my vague memories of it were reaffirmed. However, I won't be doing a full review of that here. :lol: I was just reminded of the movie when I recently found this novel dating concept introduced by Tasty Network, which promises to make the single Seattle dating scene a lot more fun than it normally is. Although I am far from being interested in dating, I know a lot of single ladies and guys would love to know how it works.
The idea is to meet with a group (six people) of single men and women over dinner at any one of the trendy Tasty Seattle dating restaurant venues and just have a lot of fun. No pressures to be intimate or the huge awkwardness of first time one-on-one meetings, since it is a group dinner. Membership to the network is free, but choosing to upgrade of course has its extra benefits. And yes, this lovely dating concept which allows you to not only potentially meet the one, but to also grow your circle of friends as well is making more and more dinner schedules, so expect it to happen in the city you're in, or at the very least, a city near you.
The idea is to meet with a group (six people) of single men and women over dinner at any one of the trendy Tasty Seattle dating restaurant venues and just have a lot of fun. No pressures to be intimate or the huge awkwardness of first time one-on-one meetings, since it is a group dinner. Membership to the network is free, but choosing to upgrade of course has its extra benefits. And yes, this lovely dating concept which allows you to not only potentially meet the one, but to also grow your circle of friends as well is making more and more dinner schedules, so expect it to happen in the city you're in, or at the very least, a city near you.

BEST Post(S!) About The Contest!
Based on our schedule, today we are going to announce the winners of Best Post About The Contest and Best Review for Make or Break and Random WAHM Thoughts. No more blahs, here it is:
speaking posting for Kaye.
But, are we just going to let go of the two other posts without recognition? The posts that made us grind our teeth and hurt our finger tips from too much nail-biting? Of course not! We are giving you guys a consolation prize of $5 each! So Bambie and Yami, email me (peh_cats at yahoo.com) your paypal addresses. Mylene, Mys and Kikamz, we will email you your Adgitize codes.
As for our best reviewers we will make a separate post on why we chose them.
Watch out for the following:
March 25: Big Winners Day. Announcement of the 1st to 4th prize and lucky winners of $20
March 29: Announcement of winners of reviews of my other blogs. CLICK HERE for details.
Winners of our Lucky Posters can be found here.
Best Post About The Contest
2 months of advertising in Adgitize (worth $28)
Best Review For Random WAHM Thoughts
A month of advertising in Adgitize (worth $14)
Best Review For Make or Break
A month of advertising in Adgitize (worth $14)
From more than 90 entries, our choices were narrowed down to 16 and then to three. It was really hard, we tell you. Our top three choices were the entries of Yami, Mylene and Bambie (Sunshine). We love Yami's post because it's so unique. We felt like we landed on the front page of the leading newspaper (press na press ang dating!). We also love Bambie's post ginormously, yep, we über like that term! Mylene's post, on the other hand, was perfect for both of us. Witty, interesting, engaging and OC acceptable (that's just me). And yes, this is Pehpot 2 months of advertising in Adgitize (worth $28)
Best Review For Random WAHM Thoughts
A month of advertising in Adgitize (worth $14)
Best Review For Make or Break
A month of advertising in Adgitize (worth $14)
But, are we just going to let go of the two other posts without recognition? The posts that made us grind our teeth and hurt our finger tips from too much nail-biting? Of course not! We are giving you guys a consolation prize of $5 each! So Bambie and Yami, email me (peh_cats at yahoo.com) your paypal addresses. Mylene, Mys and Kikamz, we will email you your Adgitize codes.
As for our best reviewers we will make a separate post on why we chose them.
Watch out for the following:
March 25: Big Winners Day. Announcement of the 1st to 4th prize and lucky winners of $20
March 29: Announcement of winners of reviews of my other blogs. CLICK HERE for details.
Winners of our Lucky Posters can be found here.

Awards Galore!
Long overdue awards from marce Chris and one of the loveliest bloggers I know, Polly. I'm going to start with Polly's first, since it was earlier this month that she gave it to me. First award is called the "You're Going Places, Baby" award, which asks recipients to tell where they see themselves in ten years. In ten years, I'm going to be thirty-six years old, still living in Baguio and will be attending Svet's grade school graduation. The second award from Polly is the "Beautiful Blogger Award", which asks to tell seven things about myself.
- I love milk muffins and choco crinkles.
- I love the Marce Club.
- I wish I was a bit on the heavy side.
- I want more gladiator shoes!
- I haven't worn make-up in almost three years.
- I want to sport bangs.
- I am excited to see my cousins again this summer vacation.

Happy Birthday Jade!
Thank you to Cinnamon Designs for this QP!
First of all, I want to say that you Jade, are a wonderful, wonderful person. I know that there is one thing you dearly wish for on your birthday, and know that we want this for you as much as you want it for you and your hubby. Even though we can't be physically there for you on the big day, we (most especially the Marces) will be there with you in spirit, holding your hand all throughout, and assuring you that this time, this time your dream will come true. Nobody else in this world deserves this as much as you do, so we are hoping and praying for the procedure to turn out for the best. I love you girl! So, so much!
God gave a gift to the world when you were born—
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.
a person who loves, who cares,
who sees a person’s need and fills it,
who encourages and lifts people up,
who spends energy on others
rather than herself,
someone who touches each life she enters,
and makes a difference in the world,
because ripples of kindness flow outward
as each person you have touched, touches others.
Your birthday deserves to be a national holiday,
because you are a special treasure
for all that you’ve done.
May the love you have shown to others
return to you, multiplied.
I wish you the happiest of birthdays,
and many, many more,
so that others have time to appreciate you
as much as I do.

Twitter Backgrounds
Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without words and never stops at all. ~ Emily Dickenson

(Not So) Mysterious Numbers
I was asked by Pehpot to post three numbers here. So here's what I've come up, using Random.org:

Aaaaand It's Over!
Our blogversary contest, that is. Do I hear sighs of relief all over the blogosphere? I sure do! Hee hee. I just finished posting the URLs of all the people (qualified contestants) who blogged about our contest for the random drawing which we mentioned about in HERE. Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for Pehpot to encode all the entries at Random.org so we can facilitate the announcement of the THREE LUCKY random winners of $5 each! Guess what. Ninety-four (yep, 9-4) people qualified for our contest and there are ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN QUALIFIED POSTS about the contest to be included in the raffle! I was floored!! Thank you guys! So, so much! Of course, I know there wouldn't be this much contestants if we hadn't loosened up the rules a bit. More importantly, I thank the contestants who actively referred people in order to spread the word about the contest. No words for our gratitude, you guys. Just

Please wait for our announcement later! Excited much!!!!

Please wait for our announcement later! Excited much!!!!

GT: Sexiest Body Part
I had sleepless nights because of this week's Girls Talk topic. You will still get hmps from me Niks, until all this craziness is over. Haha! I had to ask Paulie for this entry because I honestly don't know what to post. And he answered without hesitation: "your butt". I told you I'm talikodgenic. Even Paulie agrees. LOL! So why did I post those boobs? Well, those aren't boobs.
Told ya. That's my nephew El's butt. Here's the real me. And while I wouldn't post my naked butt in here for all to see (and for obvious reasons!), I will just repost last week's talikodgenic picture. What? You didn't say it's not allowed to recycle pictures. Bleh!

Are You Kidding Me???
John (Mayer), I love you. But I don't love you this much:
VIP – Php12,000
Gold – Php8,000
Silver – Php5,000
Bronze – Php2,000
GA – Php600
Those are ticket prices for his concert. So let me repeat the title of this post. Are you kidding me??? If the VIP includes a one-night stand with Mayer, then yes, save me a front seat please. I'll produce the money right now. Otherwise, we'll just see each other in my dreams. Thanks to sweet Paula for this knee-wobbling, frustrating information.

Last Call!!!
Tomorrow our contest will officially end. Let me just remind all of you that in order to qualify you have to post about our blog and copy the codes of our major sponsors. Calling all those who referred the list below, they are still not qualified so if you value the plus 50 points please tell them to do the second requirement.
Contestants can only comment until March 18 12 midnight. And may I just remind you of our schedule so you won't flood us with comments on who won what.
March 19: Announcement of winners of the raffle draw. Remember? Post the contest in your other blogs and we will raffle off 3 winners of $5. If you have ten blogs post it in your ten blogs and you will have ten raffle entries.CLICK HERE if you are not familiar with it. ONly those who posted it on tehir other blogs are qualified.
March 22: Announcement of winners of Best Post about the contest and best blog review of Make or Break and Random WAHM Thoughts
March 25: Big Winners Day. Announcement of the 1st to 4th prize and lucky winners of $20
March 29: Announcement of winners of reviews of my other blogs. CLICK HERE for details.
Just a reminder guys, if you are one of the winners, please, DO NOT comment your paypal and DO NOT flood us with comments about you winning and all. You will have to email me your paypal address.
That's all for now and GOOD LUCK!!!
Contestants can only comment until March 18 12 midnight. And may I just remind you of our schedule so you won't flood us with comments on who won what.
March 19: Announcement of winners of the raffle draw. Remember? Post the contest in your other blogs and we will raffle off 3 winners of $5. If you have ten blogs post it in your ten blogs and you will have ten raffle entries.CLICK HERE if you are not familiar with it. ONly those who posted it on tehir other blogs are qualified.
March 22: Announcement of winners of Best Post about the contest and best blog review of Make or Break and Random WAHM Thoughts
March 25: Big Winners Day. Announcement of the 1st to 4th prize and lucky winners of $20
March 29: Announcement of winners of reviews of my other blogs. CLICK HERE for details.
Just a reminder guys, if you are one of the winners, please, DO NOT comment your paypal and DO NOT flood us with comments about you winning and all. You will have to email me your paypal address.
That's all for now and GOOD LUCK!!!

Post It Note Tuesday #1

I was reading Mommy Nuts' entry last week for this meme by Supah Mommy (who just got herself an achingly cute template, by the way! Lurve it!), and I promised myself I will join this week and the week after next and forever and ever. Want to join? Click on the über adorable Post It Note Tuesday badge above! Link up and join the fun! Here are my first three stickies!

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