Our blogversary contest, that is. Do I hear sighs of relief all over the blogosphere? I sure do! Hee hee. I just finished posting the URLs of all the people (qualified contestants) who blogged about our contest for the random drawing which we mentioned about in HERE. Now all we have to do is sit back and wait for Pehpot to encode all the entries at Random.org so we can facilitate the announcement of the THREE LUCKY random winners of $5 each! Guess what. Ninety-four (yep, 9-4) people qualified for our contest and there are ONE HUNDRED FORTY-SEVEN QUALIFIED POSTS about the contest to be included in the raffle! I was floored!! Thank you guys! So, so much! Of course, I know there wouldn't be this much contestants if we hadn't loosened up the rules a bit. More importantly, I thank the contestants who actively referred people in order to spread the word about the contest. No words for our gratitude, you guys. Just
Please wait for our announcement later! Excited much!!!!
ka cute! :D so excited for the results! :D
Congratulations in advance to all the winners. The same goes to you and Pehpot for holding a blogversary contest that rocks!
oh. cute, :D yeah the contest ROCKS! lol.. drain my energy lol
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