Post It Note Tuesday #7

Click the post it note above to get directions on how to create your own, and be sure to link up and play along with Supah Mommy and the lovely gang! While you're here, why don't you check out my sticky notes this week!


CeCe said...

This post is adorable! I'm checking out the post-its.

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

There is no such thing as a bad mother! :) Happy PINT! Birdies popping out of shells are awesome!

nuts said...

I am one guilty mommy in your last post it.
I'll be your first client by next the supahmommy's header too.

genefaith said...

ok lang yong makatulog minsan sa sahig..ghe,'re not a bad mommy marce..nabusy lang..he..he...I remember your giveaway pala hope I can join:)

Carol said...

Too funny, have a great day Kaye. And don't worry, the baby will be ok.

I am Harriet said...

Good luck with your designing efforts.

Have a great Tuesday!

Christy said...

oh no! my baby falls asleep on the floor too, lol! happy tuesday

Anonymous said...

I found myself constantly hovering over the birdies to make them go in and out of the shells. I'm glad I'm not the only one! lmao!

JaelCustomDesigns said...

Happy Tuesday!
I'm always behind on posting things!
No bad mommies here!

peppermayo said...

Leveling up to animated headers, I see... Temptation! Kailangan nang pagipunan yan. Wala pa ko PINT. later later!

You're not a bad mother, sobrang antok lang cguro ni Svet... Mishu!

heavenisabookstore said...

Nothing wrong with the falling asleep on the floor. My niece used to fall asleep mid-run. Swear. Happy PINT!

PS. Don't be so hard on yourself!

cheri said...

maganda din naman blog design mo :)

and in this heat, okay lang if the baby sleeps on the floor sometimes :)

popping in from PINT :)

Unknown said...

Stopping by from PINT. Good luck with your designing!


kyooty said...

WOOOOOOOHOOOOOO For independent sleeper!That will rock when baby is older. :)


jayayceeblog said...

Anywhere they can fall asleep, they're getting rest so you're just doing your job! Happy PINT!

kcatwoman said...

LOL funny!!!. btw, your blog looks great! and the header looks fine, id give anything for me to be able to make my own designs.

and oh your poor baby. that's so adorable that she suddnly slept without you noticing. cute..


moonstar said...

would love to join this meme too but i don't know how to make the sticky notes.