Grandma Blogging!

I have long been convincing my mom to blog but it wasn't until recently that she consented. So I bought her hew own domain at This Grandma Blogs and hope that she finds the time and inspiration to publish an article or two every once in a while. As expected, she's been having problems remembering where to log-in (she blogs on WordPress, I've already set-up the site and the template for her), even what her username and her password is. She told me she wrote those details down, but of course she can't remember where. Now you know where I get my forgetfulness from? LOL.

She has a long way to go to learn the basics, but she seems to be enjoying herself so far, and I just hope it continues until such time that she is able to do everything by herself and not have to call me on Skype every now and then to ask me about blogging stuff. Not that I mind, I know the learning curve can be pretty steep, especially for someone who does not have all the time in the world to learn.

I hope you can visit her dear friends! She's thrilled every time she sees a new comment on her blog. She sure could use new blogging friends who will make this world more exciting for her!


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