Happy New Year!

It's the first day of the New Year, and not only did we not suffocate from too much fireworks smoke last night, we also slept early! This is the first time in years that I felt good waking up on January 1. I wish next year it will also be like this. Hee hee. Today is also my dad's birthday! Happy birthday Pa! Although we're not there this year to celebrate your special day with you, you know you're always in our hearts each day of the year.

I'm excited for what the year of the Rabbit has in store for me and my family! This year is Paulie's year, whereas year 2008 was mine (when I gave birth to Svet). He will be starting on his illustrations this month, and I hope that means this 2011 is going to be a great twelve months for him in terms of work. I just hope we will be able to balance our time better, now that the two of us will be working. We don't want to neglect Svet while trying to rack in funds for the family needs.

I hope 2011 will be good to all of us in the blogosphere. More advertisers and more friends! Let's ring in the new year with optimism people! Happy new year, wherever in the world you are while reading this!

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