But came high noon and they were still coming in! A sneaking suspicion was already at the back of my head, dressed in bright red and waving a flag screaming SPAM!!! It was only in the afternoon that I bothered to log in to WordPress and check to verify my suspicion. It's incredible. Every single one is incomprehensible, a couple was even insulting (with a link to porn sites, of course). All I could say was WOW. Really. I'd understand if it was my Yahoo mail. I mean I DO think that Yahoo gets good business out of the spammers with what the amount of spam that I get EVER SINCE I got an account (okay, accountS) with them. I am thinking maybe I should install another separate plug-in for those pests, as obviously the powers of Akismet isn't enough anymore. It's a wonder this blog isn't pestered with them spammers. Hmm.. I wonder why. Uh-oh. Did I just issue an invitation? Noooooooooooooo!!!!!

Ouch naku bumigay si Akismet? Waaa kaya mo yan ate hanap kanalang iba plugin :S Kaya pala. Kala ko ula ka Akismet nagloko pala siya..
Oh that's a big headache. I hate spams too but i think i'm also a spam magnet like you.they just keep on coming back.grrr! (and i also have akismet installed)
Oh no, you said the S word, you're S krewed now! lol ;-) I love the little pixie dust the mouse pointer makes over here! The blog looks great Kaye! So glad I stopped by! I actually have high speed now, so I'll be 'round more often. Great day to you and the fam!
Hala! Hehe...I hate them spammers. I do get them occasionally...who doesn't, right? Ay naku meron dating widget na nag trigger ng pop-porn sites. It was a nightmare kasi the widget was used by a lot of bloggers. I had to remove and re-install each widget then do 'trial and error' para malaman kung alin yung culprit. Fortunately, maraming affected and it all came down to that specific widget. Now...no more widgets for me except for a couple.
Nawawala si C. Do you think it's time for the 'stalker squad' to start 'looking' for her? hahaha...
I just wonder bakit mas maraming spam sa wordpress kesa sa blogger. napansin ko lang,
even in blog sites there are still spammers? i thought that spam only exists ion emails.. eheheh
my wp blogs got so much of spams at least 100 a day
sa akin marce marami namang spam but i jus delete all nawala na lahat...
swerte mo kc tong blogspot mo wlang spam.. marce ang 3 blogspot ko laging maraming comments - SPAM nga lang. kabadtrip diba??
panu maglagay ng plug in pra mwala ang spam??? i need that so badly..
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