And so it was one of those boring days in the office and it was a mere three months before I was due to give birth to Svetlana (yep, that's my princess' name) when I was struck by the thought of having to leave her everyday to go to the office working for someone else. The idea of being employed after giving birth suddenly did not appeal to me. I told myself I'd rather stay home and take care of her to ensure that she has the support she needs from her mother while she is still in her early years.
It was then I decided to look for freelancing jobs similar to that of the one I had, and luckily, some officemates were already into freelancing, and gladly introduced me to it. Two months before I gave birth, I gave my resignation letter to somewhat reluctant higher-ups. I would not say that I am sorry that I left, given the joys of motherhood that I experienced by being at my daughter's side always. Now, almost a year later, I'm still glad that I made that decision.
Being able to just turn my head a few inches to my left and already seeing that angelic face, whether at play or in sleep, is the biggest reward for being a WAHM. And that's besides the fact that I earn more now than I ever did when I was full-time employed, abling me to give my baby what she needs. It would be unfair to not mention that me and my husband are still having financial difficulties right now, even with the fact that what I earn now is more than what I used to get. As we have just started this journey of parenting and living independently, there are a lot of difficulties along the way. But I am confident that we can withstand just about anything.
aw.. great! now I know. you're very right cuz you still have time to watch movies and do nothing all day long, than spend your time fixing your hair, buying office clothes and makeups.
galing! congrats!!!!
yeah mom's know the best, you get big hugs from me. :)
hehe.. now I know you better.
aw! that was a huge decision. but that decision is right. how I wish I can have the guts to submit my resignation letter, and be a work at home mom too.
sana makeri ko rin ang ginawa mo.. gusto ko rin just give IC at home and a talent like yours, lol hahah
sana nga matuto din akong mg freelance para may additional income ako :D
eh kering keri nman eh!! look at you now!! hihih
so pretty angel :)
i just read this entry now... your little angel is really cute here..
i applaud you mommy for being able to take that step... it takes a lot of courage and love and trust in the Lord to do what you did :)
sarap maging full time mommy :D
some people just not understand and will keeps saying dont do that go work!
K you are wonderful mom as full time mommy :D
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