The Blog Love Award, given to me by Mommy May, who has just given birth to the cute Ernest Jéan Nicholas, is first in line, since it was given to me two weeks ago. So here are the rules:
1. Put the logo in your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who shared it with you.
3. Pass this award to your Blog Lover Friends
4. Add your link to the list of participants below
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
Now I am passing it on to these people, who love to blog as well, and deserve this award much more than I do: Sterndal (love your new blog, dearie), Fedhz (thanks for dropping by lately, your blog is really informative.), Phoebe (thanks for linking me in your blog, sis!) and Man (you love to blog, so you are an easy choice for a recipient.*wink*)
Blog Lovers: 1.Soul Anchor 2.Cookie’s Corner 3.Life is Good and Beautiful 4.DANAH - The Dawn That Shines 5.THE WORLD AROUND ME 6. Maria 7. Carnation…because life is beautiful 8. Handsome Little Nicholas 9. Random WAHM Thoughts 10. YOU! Next…
I have also been tagged by Manuel of the outrageously orange blog. He is the reason why I started loving the color orange (I actually have an orange desktop wallpaper right now and planning to paint my nails with the same color. *grins*). I have received a similar award before, although this one does not come with a badge of some sort, and besides it's only asking for six random things about me, so wth. I'd be glad to reveal six other stuff about me, whether you like it or not. But I won't be passing this along to six people, just three, and they are: Pehpot (i'm sorry i haven't been able to chat. i'm still sorting my thoughts out.), Juliana (hi love! thanks for the drop-by) and Tetcha (your questions are always welcome.). Okay, so here goes six stuff about yours truly:
1. I am a cry baby. I am always the first to cry in any situation that gives an excuse for crying.
2. I unmix mixed nuts. I know they're supposed to be eaten as is, but I cannot resist segregating them and eating the ones with the most number in their group first, down to the least. It's an OCD, I know.
3. The last time I went to a movie theater was six years ago, to watch Jeepers Creepers with a guy friend. I'd rather watch flicks in the comforts of my own home than hear strangers at the movie house deliver a blow-by-blow account of what's happening on screen.
4. I snore when I'm dead tired. My mom even recorded it once, and gleefully shares it to anyone who'd listen.
5. I am getting addicted to digital scrapbooking. I have been preoccupied with it in the last few days and find solace in doing it.
6. I live in a cold place, and it gets colder everyday. I used to not mind the cold. But now is a different story. I'll go into the details later.
Last award is the Honest Scrap Award, given to me by Aria and Pehpot. You guys think I'm honest? Tee hee. Anyways, the rules are to list ten honest things about yourself - and make it interesting, even if you have to dig deep! and pass the award on to 7 bloggers that you feel embody the spirit of the Honest Scrap. I think I qualify for the last four letters of the award (crap. harrr.). Ten honest things? You want honest? I'll give you honest.
1. I have been a terrible daughter last year, and I seriously hope that I will be able to make it right this time.
2. I am the worst person on earth because I said the most hurtful things to hubby last January 9, things that I am not proud of admitting that I said, but did.
3. I am a terrible wife, because I failed to see that hubby has been good to me all the while, and he is not all that I accused him of.
4. I am not half as responsible as you people think I am. These past few days have made me realize that.
5. I could not have survived this episode if not for Svetlana. She has been my constant source of strength, making me laugh and smile so often with her newly learned things.
6. I've been having a hell of a hard time playing full time mom to my daughter and part time writer while keeping house all at the same time. I'm not in a position to complain, as I brought this upon myself, but I know with this I'll become a stronger person.
7. I'd give up everything just to have hubby back. But I know that we need to both learn to grow up, before he comes back home. So that when he does, it'll be for good. I don't know when will that time come, but I know, I KNOW, that it would come.
8. They say you never miss the water until it's gone. I miss my water so bad.
9. I cry silently at night, every night since January 9.
10. I was crying while I was doing these ten items.
So there. That's two birds in one stone. An update from me and passing on a blog award. By the way, I'll just be passing on this award to one person, and that is Melanie from Life in Bellevue, who is a constant presence in my blog, throwing warm and encouraging words towards my way. Dearie, you are a love, and I really, really appreciate you for that. Whew. This post is long. But it was worth it. I got everything off my chest. That's a very heavy load off back. I am just glad that hubby and I talk once in a while now, and even if we are not (yet) talking about us and about what happened, we talk, and that's what matters.

Well, guess what?? You have another award waiting for you on my blog
and just when you're back (sort of) I am the one who is not in the mood to blog.. haha.. I will get back to you when my blogmood is up again (hormones.. argh!)
aww//:( its new year and you should be happy and all that..but i guess building a family is really a tough process. i hope everything will be fine.. just hold on and have faith. I know how painful it is.. just be strong.. aight..
Hi Kaye....
Thanks for the tag...appreciate it. Hopefully things will be a lot better soon....
Juliana...btw...will add you as soon as I get off here...
Aw... I don't deserve this. haha! A million thanks! I just got active blog hopping and this is what I get?! lol
My site is informative? I'm glad you see it that way. i thought my writings are trash, hehe!
...will blog/brag about this award soon. thanks, mommy! mwahmwah
Hi, Kaye! There's sunshine after the rain, so cheers! Things will get better soon.
sis ! na confuse ako bigla..sa honest scarp award kung yong pix na nilagay ko tama ? parang hindi tugma ? LOL...wala lang ngayon ko lang narealized....
it's fun learning something more about you everyday. thanks to your contest.
kailan kaya akon makakatanggap ng mga blog awards :(
orange nail paints? sexy and cool for you marce!
glad that now you're motivated to blog plus another blog is born na:)
i remmber last time marce you blog once in a blue moon lang..he..he...
@zoan...i'll give you one of these days:)
cute nga ang black and orange na template like your sistah and this Manuel
now i know may OCD issue ka rin pala sis mas worst pa, unmixing mixed nuts...LOL!
i'm not a cry baby but there were times that i can't stop myself from crying esp. if it's toooooo sas for me
i'm with you marce about watching movie in the house rather in the cinema
dito marce ala namang problem when you're in cinema..very silent kasi mga below 20 lang manonood ng English..LOL!
di ko alam if i snore when i'm dead tired...i gritted my teeth lang...LOL!
i could say your humble marce to admit your wrong
ako din naadict last month digital scrapping sa artscow because of their discount prices
january 9 is unforgettable date for me...me too i regret when i say hurtful things to hubby kaya if I'm angry with him i just keep quite muna din pag di nakumukulo dugo ko tsaka ko pa sya kausapin
i know that you're a great daughter marce because i read that you wanted to earn more for your family and I know that your mom is one of that 'family"
our children are great gifts from God- our source of joy and strength and their smiles heal our broken heart
me too, i would do anything for my hubby..i love him so much..you're a great wife marce...
marce nag-away kayo ni hubby this time? or he just have work faraway?
marce nabasa ni hubby yong about giving up everything just to have him back> that's so romantic...
glad that you're totally OK with your hubby marce and learn to grow together...part sa marriage talaga yong ups and downs...
saan ang tubig nyo marce?..we don't have water in here..hope the water system will be installed this week...
no worry now as we are always here for you
children is gift of god, sometimes I am upset as my friend take decision for abortion.
no.4 haha.. your mom will record the snore, next time play it on blog :D
my dad can snore very loud at night, you can hear out of his room.
the water here was yellowish I don't dare to use it. need to wait til clear water use
water filter is so important to get clean water
@genejosh what happened on Jan 9?
no.1 cry like baby, well sometimes I am to myself.
I will usually sms my friend
if not you be very sad alone.
depression is serious talk to someone.
my dear work 24/7 job
K is your hubby work 9-5 job?
even my dad and bro will not agree she stay here. :(
my mom under medication and need caring so she not live with me.
no.1 I feel like that always coz my mom not stay with me.
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