Teaser Number 7: Refer Friends!

This is just a contest teaser. Actual contest starts on January 18.

Refer Friends & Get
50 Points per Referral

Just tell your friends to comment on this page with the your name as their referrer. Please be aware that your referred friend should JOIN the contest too and do the REQUIRED mechanics in order to be counted. Full Contest mechanics will be posted on January 18. So start spreading the word about the contest while it's still early! You will have bigger chances of getting to recruit friends now. ☺


Genefaith said...

this is really getting exciting..di pa nagstart ang contest marami ng promotions..so bongga! how i wish I could recruit 10 friends...

Mylene said...

getting more challenging hehehehe...

Sherry said...

will try to referral :)

kamz said...

naku, yung mga ininvite ko na sumali, di pa rin nag start nagpost. cguro na overwhelm sila sa tasks na gagawin to qualify.. me is sad. =(

zoan said...

naku mukhang wala akong na i refer :D mayroon kayang nakakuha ng referrals?

redamethyst said...

mukhang wala akong marerefer ngayon, medyo busy busyhan mga friends ko. :D :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

everyone busy with refer to friends of this huge contest :)

Philam said...

Wow, this is interesting. Can we still join this?

Random WAHM Thoughts said...

@philam: yes dear, you still can. contest runs until march 18.

Chris said...

http://wcstock.net/2010/03/its-all-over-the-blogosphere/ is my 1st referral :D

skarfreak said...

I'm referred by GENEJOSH, and I'm joining the contest.

-BLOG the CONTEST: http://skarfreak.blogspot.com/2010/03/do-i-stand-chance-to-win-500.html

-LINK OF THE MAJOR SPONSORS: http://skarfreak.blogspot.com/2010/03/these-people-interests-me.html

honey_nonz said...

I came here and joined the contest as a referral of GENEJOSH.

I followed the requirements to be qualified:

1. http://bjoynonz.blogspot.com/2010/03/500-blogversary-giveaway.html

2. http://bjoynonz.blogspot.com/2010/03/major-sponsors-of-500-giveaway.html

Genefaith said...

weeeh..thanks bro and sis that you joined..that's 3 referrals for GENEJOSH as to date..thank you...thank you:)

Genefaith said...

marce kelangan pa ba talagang magcomment dito ang referral namin or pwede kami na once they followed all the requirements to join in your contest?

Genefaith said...

I've seen my referral had mentioned in this post (http://randomwahmthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/01/required-blog-about-our-contest.html) that I'm her referral and she complied the requirements na @ http://geminikay.blogspot.com/2010/03/feeling-even-more-lucky.html.

Her name is KAY and she's my referral:)

Genefaith said...

The other one is JES (http://jeslising.blogspot.com/2010/03/kaye-and-pehpots-blogversary-contest.html) who agreed to be my referral and joined the contest too:)

Yehhheeeeyyyyy I have 5 referrals and this means 400 points instead of 250 as stated here: http://randomwahmthoughts.blogspot.com/2010/03/another-contest-update.html?

Thank you Lord:)

Genefaith said...

I hope all the rest of my invitees will have time to blog about your contest and will be my referral:)

What an amazing race this is! I can't turn back and just quit kaya kahit super-duper busy I need to do the BEST, 7 more days to go....

Unknown said...

This site was referred to me by: http://www.genejostory.com/

gee...this site is FUN :)

AC said...

Here's mine referred by GENEJOSH...

ABOUT THE CONTEST: http://www.acmomcee.com/2010/03/how-i-wish-i-can-know-them-all-by-heart.html

MAJOR SPONSORS: http://www.acmomcee.com/2010/03/meet-major-sponsors.html

Goodluck everyone!!!


zoan said...

ako wala akong na i-refer.. pwede bang i refer ang aking sarili? LOLZ

Genefaith said...

Thank ACMUMCEE for being my referral..you're the 6TH!

Genefaith said...

Marce SWEET_SHELO is also my referral and she's joining na..she's my 7th!:)



redamethyst said...

wow ang galing naman, naka 7 referrals na si Gene. congrats

redamethyst said...

parang nararamdaman ko na kung sino mananalo. hihih. congrats gene! :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

okay need to ask them to comment here.

AnnaYJia said...



I was referred by Sherry @namesherry.com ^^

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I am asking my friend to mention here as referral.. some forgot need remind.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

hehe..everyone need to ask them come again to mention here. contest still on til 18 march!! remember that.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

wow genejosh referral many :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I am trying to get them to come here, so hopefully before the contest ends.

Binx said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by Niko.

me said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by Niko.

thriftrip said...

Done with the 2 posts and referred by Niko

Sweet said...

done with the 2 posts and referred by Niko

joyjoy said...

done with the posts. referred by Niko Eras

Mommy Liz said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by Niko.

Micawatson said...

Done with my post. I was refer by Genejosh here's the link http://www.mimilance.com/2010/03/wants-blog-makeover.html

Mommy Jes said...

Hi yah!!! Im one of Genejosh Referal!!! =))



Gracia said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by my dear friend ate Niko

Chie Wilks said...

hello...i am referred by Niko.

sweet_shelo said...

Hello , I blogged about your contest. I was referred by GENEJOSH.

Here are the links I've done:


Fi-chan said...


referred by sherry :)

PiggiYing said...

Hi... I was referred by Sherry @namesherry.com



~euo~ said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by Niko

Rosa said...

done with the 2 posts and referred by sherry @ namesherry.com

Wendy Pua said...



I was referred by Sherry @namesherry.com ^^

gorgeous_MHE said...

finished with my two posts, and referred by none other than GT's disclaimer Ate Niks

Sherry Go Sharing said...

still try ask my friend to mention here

Clarissa said...

Hello dear!!Done with the posts and was referred by Niko!!

admin said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by Niko & Genejosh.


Sherry Go Sharing said...

oh glad now see their comment, some not happy I chase them lol

♥ MomieQueen ♥ said...

Done with the 2 required posts and I was referred by ate Niko :)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

um... I thought we can only refer one blogger? Rach got 2 referral names?

Sherry Go Sharing said...

just checking if they do correctly

Sherry Go Sharing said...

its always nice to see who referral who. :D

Anonymous said...

I forgot whether I mentioned about my referral or not...oh well, here we go again...


and my referral is sherry @ namesherry.com

aeirin said...



I was referred by Sherry @namesherry.com ^^

jOLyN said...

referred by sherry @namesherry.com

from http://littlegypsytale.blogspot.com/


KHIM said...

Check out mine here :D


*referred by sherry @ namesherry.com

KHIM said...

Check out mine here :D


*referred by sherry @ namesherry.com

ghieGANDA said...

done with the required posts. referred by mommy niko

ardith said...

referred by niko eras. am done with the required posts at my blog.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I check and see some blogger of my referral not open blog as for invited only I will try contact them.

Genefaith said...

wow dami na rin kay Sherry and Marce Niko..way to go girls:)

Genefaith said...

Thank you Rache for mentioning my name..I dunno if you're my 7 1/2 referral?..he..he...

Genefaith said...

@Sherry...he..he..Rache happens to know Niko and me and she can't choose between us ...the decision still lies on the hostesses' hands...

Genefaith said...

i've checked for KAY, ok na marce:)

Genefaith said...

Thanks sweet_shelo...:)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@genejosh is gen your refer too? if yes she no mention here yet.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@genejosh good luck :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@aeirin thanks for mention me :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@genejosh you are not bad too, go go go

Lalaine said...

referred by Genejosh

hyanne said...

referred by Genejosh

join the contest already and complied the requirement

Phebie said...

Submitting my links here:

my referrer: Genejosh

blog contest:

major sponsors:

Sherry Go Sharing said...

just checking here. to see. hows the referral.

Genefaith said...

@sherry gene is not my referral...

Genefaith said...

thanks ate lalaine:)

Genefaith said...

Ate Lalaine you're my 8 (1/2) referral:)

Genefaith said...

Thank you Hyanne:)

Genefaith said...

Hyanne you're my 9 (1/2) referral..thank you so much:)

Genefaith said...

Thanks Phebie:)

Genefaith said...

sis Phebie thank you so much..you're my no.10 (1/2) referral

janet said...

just joined your contest in favor of GENEJOSH

Elvz said...

referred by Genejosh

1. contest post- http://iluvgiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/03/blogversary-contest-last-call.html

2. major sponsors- http://iluvgiveaways.blogspot.com/2010/03/blogversary-contest.html

Genefaith said...

checking my referrals:)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

so everyone you can still hurry refer more friends

Sherry Go Sharing said...

wow. genejosh doing well :D

bambie said...

hi K! i'm done with the 2 required steps already.

here and here as well.

it was niko who referred me. :)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

oh busy night for everyone check posts and referral

Sherry Go Sharing said...

oh nice another refer by niko :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@genejosh so many referral you got now :D

Genefaith said...

you're my no. 11 (1/2)Ate Janet

Genefaith said...

Thank you ate janet..

Genefaith said...

you're my no. 12 (1/2)referral! Yahoo...hope many will still join in the last minute..he..he...

Genefaith said...

Thank you Mommy Elvz:)

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@yjia is my first blogger I refer.

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@fionachan is 2nd refer blogger

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@wendypua my 3rd refer

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@piggiying my 4th refer

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@KHIM my 5th refer

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@ROsa my 6th refer

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@aeirin is my 6th refer

Sherry Go Sharing said...

I hope there is more :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@KHIM is 8th refer by me, so far only 8 of them

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@pynic is my 7th refer

Lilian said...


My posts are as follow:



I'm referred by Sherry at

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@lilian thanks for mention me

Zoe said...



I was referred by Sherry@namesherry.com

Sherry Go Sharing said...

getting exciting.. see so many referral!!

Sherry Go Sharing said...

@lilian will be my 9th:D

BoeyJoey said...

Hi, my blog posts are as followings:



I'm referred by Sherry at http://namesherry.com

Jean said...

my posts:


referred by Sherry @namesherry.com ^^

Sherry Go Sharing said...

so busy also check see other friend on how their blog post

Sherry Go Sharing said...

still checking :D

Sherry Go Sharing said...

so busy also check which post I not comment

Sherry Go Sharing said...

just 8 min more!

Cecile said...

si Niko nag refer sa akin, sana namalo siya...nga pala nag koin din ako wala pa nga lang referral :-)

Sherry said...

thanks boeyjoey and jean.