My First Adgitize Payout
This is my first, so I was pretty pleased when I received it last November 5. I was even surprised because I thought they payout around the 20th of the month. That's what I get for not reading the FAQs thoroughly enough. Hee hee. Anyway, I paid for two months of advertising at (watch out! referral link! haha) Adgitize worth $28 (but that was before. They've increased prices since then but boy are they still worth every damn cent) and I got back $20.48 for it, which means I only really paid $7.52 for a month of advertisement on WAHMaholic and another month in here. Which is a HUUUGE bargain since both my sites saw a decrease of more than 500,000 in Alexa rankings and a notable increase in writing opportunity offerings. And I'm not even that active now at clicking on sites for the extra publisher points (even with Peh's Utoy. Yes, I know I am such a lazy ass.). Is it obvious I so lurve (oh here comes another referral link. bleh!) Adgitize?
But I will love them more if they finally roll out that gifting option of advertising credits, or whatever they choose to call that feature I so bravely suggested some time ago. There's still no word about when it was going to happen. I take Ken Brown's word for it though, that it is already in their to-do list. The time is all that's standing between me and that feature I've been salivating after ever since I got that idea into my head. Oh well. Patience is a virtue (which I unfortunately don't have. Auugghh. It's killing me.) Payment proof below, and note again that that is two months of accumulated points and not just a month. I am not a superwoman to achieve that.

hihi.. hoorah for Adgitize. hihi. bat wala akong linky love dito.. "thank you so much, fedhz for urging me to join and advertise at adgitize". wahaha!
had my first payment too from them and parang i got my money back. ang galing ano? i dunno how much my payout will be next month. nag advertise ulit ako sa kanila e.. this time, i included sam's blog.
congrats! nag aadvertise ka pa dito??? cguro ako nxt month ulit heheh
got my payment from this site last year, got my money back may konting tubo pa dun sa one month ad ko. now, I'm trying it again
parang naconvince nyo ako...ako din next month...galing mo kasing magpromote ng adgitize marce...
marce ikaw pala nagsuggest yong gifting option of advertising credits ng adgitize na ibigay nyo sa winners..galing-galing...!
I am happy to found adgitize and boost my blog traffic
namiss ko n tlga ken brown.. i shall be back soon!
panalo nga tong adgitize!! as in. hihihih
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